I love this article!!! 
What a great article on how to talk about your learning difference. We all want to cut the stigma. What a great way to do this! My son is already there. He told me, "Mom, when I'm grown up and in a band, I won't need to do drugs because I have ADHD and that gives me all the energy I'll ever need!"

Project Eye to Eye is a great organization. We're actively working on bringing a mentorship program to our schools. We'll keep you posted!! Right now we're looking into fund
"Reaching out to others may help you feel less isolated, and provide guidance to make the journey easier for you and your child. It can also give you the confidence to advocate for your child, and the knowledge to make informed decisions throughout the process.

Finding a place where you can speak freely, gather information, and touch base with others who have similar experiences can be a tremendous comfort."    Suzanne Lang, Can a Support Group for Parents of Kids with Learning Disabilities Help You?

I am hopeful others will join me in building a supportive group!