"Reaching out to others may help you feel less isolated, and provide guidance to make the journey easier for you and your child. It can also give you the confidence to advocate for your child, and the knowledge to make informed decisions throughout the process.

Finding a place where you can speak freely, gather information, and touch base with others who have similar experiences can be a tremendous comfort."    Suzanne Lang, Can a Support Group for Parents of Kids with Learning Disabilities Help You?

I am hopeful others will join me in building a supportive group!
1/11/2012 02:17:19 am

Laurie Gibbs turned me on to this site. I have been through the ringer with my son and his learning differences. He is in 4th grade at Sunridge Charter School in Sebastopol. We now have a Spec. Ed. Advocate after leaving his last IEP meeting feeling like the worst parent in the world. It also doesn't help him or I that he has a 3 y/o sister who knows more than him. However, I am happy I won't have to go through this with her. I can't wait until more parents get involved on this site. It would feel good to know we are not the only ones going through this. Thanks for making this possible through this site and your efforts. Take care.

1/31/2012 01:13:52 am

I'm wondering if anyone has heard about Project eye to eye which is a mentoring matching project for children with learning differences?

1/31/2012 01:24:50 am

Yes, we're in the process of looking for a high school or college to partner with us.

3/9/2012 08:16:33 am

I have not. Sounds great since I am currently looking for a tutor/mentor for my son. Do you have more info on it? Where it is located out of etc.? I will also look it up myself. Anyone in need of an advocate… I work with a woman named Noreen Ringlien. She is amazing, and works with low income families, as well. Contact me for more info. She asked me for a link to this site so there may be more people flooding it soon, at least I hope. I don't know how else to get it more publicity. But I am desperately seeking more parents in which to connect with. This struggle had brought me so far down I ended up making some horrible choices I am now paying a heavy price for, but being a single mom to a son with severe and misdiagnosed learning differences had really wore me out. I am just now coming back to myself and putting the tattered pieces of our lives back together. Take care to all who have the challenge of caring for our special and exceptional children.

3/9/2012 11:15:55 am

Hi Robin
Thanks for your input.
We have a lot of interest from Drake High School. We don't know how many mentors we'll be able to get from them but we're working on it and we'll keep you posted.

The stress of dealing with difficult kids is so high. I am with you on that. We all make mistakes but it sounds like you are on your way to moving on and making positive choices. Feel free to join our yahoo groups also for more chat.


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